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George Heriot's School

George Heriot's School


Age Range: from 3 to 18
Gender: Mixed
Organisation Type: Independent
Phase: All Through School

About Us

Heriot's is a unique school - its historic building is a jewel in the crown of Scottish architecture. As the oldest independent school in Edinburgh (1628), Heriot's remains firmly rooted in its charitable purpose. The Foundation sits at the heart of school, educating children who have lost a father or mother through bereavement. Bursarial aid and the outstanding voluntary service of pupils continues this charitable remit. The school today is in robust health, with a large school roll, a dedicated teaching body and plenty of laughter in the classrooms. Heriot's achieves excellent exam results: it offers an unparalleled range of sports and activities (93); it demonstrates both inclusiveness and excellence in its Music, Art and Drama. Over-arching all is our ethos: 'Work hard. Be kind. Be happy.' There is no doubt that Heriot's pupils, parents and staff subscribe to these important values, backed by personal guidance and clear disciplinary guidelines.