We are currently recruiting Standards Verifiers for NVQ Health Service Sciences
Purpose of this role:
Carry out centre visits to undertake sampling of assessment and internal verification decisions and records for competence/skills -based qualifications within the Health Service Sciences sector in order to affirm that national occupational standards have been achieved and upheld. Support, advise and guide centres based on the outcomes of the sampling process. Direct centres in the delivery of Health Service Sciences qualifications towards the achievement of national occupational standards.
Key Accountabilities:
For Health Service Sciences qualifications in the Health Service Sciences sector for which competency/skills (and occupational competency where relevant) is demonstrated, the Standards Verifier (WBL) will:
• Carry out centre visits to undertake sampling of learner work within defined parameters and rules to verify that assessment outcomes, assessment and internal verification processes meet national occupational standards
• Provide sector-specific support, advice and guidance to centres
• Produce reports for centres and Pearson on the: sampling undertaken, outcomes reached, and support provided
• To recommend limited certification, certification deferral or registration deferral where it is deemed that flawed assessment or internal verification decisions, or processes mean that national occupational standards are not met
• Produce targeted actions for centres to assist with remedial action where national occupational standards are not being upheld
• Support centres to understand and implement identified actions
• Report back to Pearson and centres following SV activity within agreed service-level agreements
• Coordinate the sampling of Health Service Sciences learners with contracted sector-experts where required
• Undertake any other duties appropriate to the work of WBL Assessment in relation to this role.
Skills & Knowledge:
• Excellent communication, written, verbal, IT and interpersonal skills
• A good working knowledge of the specifications that comprise the area of expertise for the role
• A customer-focused approach
• Time management and ability to meet deadlines
• Ability to develop and monitor clear action plans
• Ability to work effectively as part of a team
• Ability to understand the implications of decisions taken on Edexcel's behalf and not to operate outside the sphere of responsibility defined within this job description
• Word processing and basic spreadsheet manipulation skills
• Significant experience in delivering and assessing NVQs/competence-based qualifications in the field of Health Service Sciences
• Holds an appropriate assessor qualification, and hold/be working towards the Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice qualification or an older equivalent
• Is willing to work towards the Award in the External Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice qualification or currently holds/is working towards this qualification or an older equivalent
• Evidence of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in the field of assessment and delivery of vocational qualifications in the field of Health Service Sciences
• A willingness to use technology based approaches for communication and centre support significant experience in delivering and assessing competence/skills -based qualifications
Any associate undertaking this role must:
• Have personal IT equipment capable of running Edexcel required software
• Have a suitable internet connection
• Have a personal and secure email account
• Have a postal address in the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland
• Declare any conflicts of interest that could impact on the role
• Have availability for a minimum of 4 allocations in any given year and be prepared to carry out centre visits
• Abide by the terms of conditions as stated in the contract for work
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