We are recruiting for the Head of History in a school where history runs through its veins, where pupils brim with enthusiasm for the subject, bringing their broad general knowledge into the classroom and excelling in both taught History lessons and the wider extra-curricular nature of History at the Under School.
The subject is taught by several teachers across the School, all of whom contribute to the department. There is a strong academic but progressive ethos and at the heart of it is the enjoyment of not just the subject but an overall love of academic endeavour and critical thinking. History is taught chronologically throughout the School, from the ancient Egyptians in Year 3 up to Victorian Britain until 1901 in Year 8.
Each year group has at least one History trip each year, for example, to Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament - both on our doorstep, or further afield such as to the Battlefields of northern Europe, or to study Anne Frank in Amsterdam. History Society takes place regularly at lunchtimes where pupils seize the opportunity to research independently and present to other adults and pupils about a historical event or theme of their choosing. Moreover, a majority of the senior part of the School participates in the annual Townsend Warner competition.
This is an exciting time to join the Under School, as we look forward to expansion to become a co-educational school for children aged four to 13 from September 2026. A key part of this role over the next year will therefore be to support with the development of our new curriculum for Reception to Year 2, and adapt the current schemes of work for a co-educational environment.